Practical Information
Located in East Asia, Mongolia is a landlocked country bordering Russia and China.
World MapThe climate of Mongolia can be generally defined as extreme continental. It has long, cold winters and short summers. In the North, it is cool and subarctic. Central zones are cold semi-arid and the South is desert. Average temperatures are mostly below zero from November to March and close to it in April and October throughout most of Mongolia. However, in the summer temperatures are mild to very hot reaching 40°C in some places such as the Gobi Desert.
Weather ForecastThe official currency of Mongolia is tögrögor tugrik(MNT). The lowest denomination is a 10 tögrögnote and the highest is a 20,000 tögrögnote. 1 USD is about 2,600 MNT
CalculateOverall, Mongolia is a safe country to visit. Violence is rare but petty crimes such as theft and scams may happen from time to time. Like any other country, when traveling, always be vigilant of your belongings and surroundings. Try not to travel alone at night and avoid dodgy areas, especially in the city. In the countryside, beware of stray dogs and rough or even hazardous roads.
The official language of Mongolia is Khalkha Mongolian, which is spoken by 90% of the population.There are certain variation of dialects in different parts of the country. Most used foreign languages are Russian, English and some Chinese as well.
English | Mongolia |
Welcome | Тавтай морилогтун (tavtai morilogtun) |
Hello (General greeting) | Сайн уу? (Sain uu?) Сайн байна уу? (Sain baina uu) |
Hello (on phone) | Байна уу (Baina uu) |
How are you? | Сонин сайхан юу байна вэ? (Sonin saikhan yu baina ve?) Юу байна вэ? (Yu baina ve?) |
Where are you from? | Та хаанаас ирсэн бэ (Ta haanaas irsen be?) |
I’m from … | Би …ээс ирсэн (Bi …ees irsen) |
Pleased to meet you | Тантай уулзсандаа баяртай байна (Tantai uulzsandaa bayartai baina) |
Good morning (Morning greeting) | Өглөөний мэнд (Öglöönii mend) |
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) | Өдрийн мэнд (Ödriin mend) |
Good evening (Evening greeting) | Оройн мэнд (Oroin mend) |
Good night | Сайхан амраарай (Saikhan amraarai) Сайхан нойрсоорой (Saikhan noirsooroi) |
Goodbye (Parting phrases) | Баяртай (Bayartai) |
See you later | Дараа уулзая (Daraa uulzii!) |
See you tomorrow | Маргааш уулзая (Margaash uulzii) |
Good luck! | Амжилт хүсье (Amjilt husey) |
Have a nice day | Өдрийг сайхан өнгөрүүлээрэй (Odriig saihan ongoruuleerei) |
Bon voyage / Have a good journey | Сайн яваарай! (Sain yavaarai!) Сайн сууж байгаарай (Sain suuj baigaarai!) - reply |
I understand | Би ойлгой байна (Bi oilgoj baina) |
I don’t understand | Би ойлгохгүй байна (Bi oilgokhgüi baina) |
Please say that again | Дахин хэлж өгнө үү? (Dahin helj ügnü üü?) |
Please write it down | Үүнийг доор бичнэ үү (Uuniig door bichne uu) |
Excuse me | Маргааш уулзая (Margaash uulzii) |
How much is this? | Маргааш уулзая (Margaash uulzii) |
Sorry | Дахин хэлж өгнө үү? (Dahin helj ügnü üü?) |
Thank you | Үүнийг доор бичнэ үү (Uuniig door bichne uu) |
Where's the toilet ? | Бие засах газар хаана байдаг вэ (Biye zasakh gazar khaana baidag ve?) |
Fire! | Гал (Gal!) |
Stop! | Зогс (Zogs!) |
Call the police! | Цагдаа дуудаарай! (Tsagdaa duudaarai!) |